


#1 AI Meeting Assistant

Get support before, during, and after every meeting with the only AI meeting assistant built from the ground up with privacy and security in mind.

  • Pre Meeting

  • In Meeting

  • Post Meeting

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Privacy First, Always

Fellow is the only AI meeting assistant with the privacy and control settings to ensure your centralized meeting recordings, notes, and summaries are only accessible by the right people.

AI meeting notes

Automatically capture meeting notes and action items

Foster an efficient meeting culture with collaborative agendas, meeting note templates, and an AI Copilot to record every discussion and decision.

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AI meeting insights

Ask Fellow

Get insights across your meetings with your own AI meeting chatbot. Prompt “Ask Fellow” to catch you up on meetings you missed, answer questions about specific meetings, and even write follow-up emails after a meeting.


All your recordings and recaps in one place

Fellow’s library keeps all your recordings in one place. Privacy and sharing controls mean you can keep everything centralized while controlling who has access.

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CRM automation

Automate CRM updates

Keep your CRM updated, automatically. Fellow syncs information from your meeting and will even suggest fields to update based on what was discussed.

Pre-meeting prep

Always show up prepared

Collaborative agendas and pre-meeting briefs mean you’re always prepared for an effective meeting — even when you’re in back-to-back meetings.

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Fellow for Enterprise

Say goodbye to disjointed AI meeting assistants. Fellow’s AI Meeting Copilot recordings, transcriptions, and summaries are linked to every meeting and calendar event so everything you need for your meeting is in one place.

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Yes, Fellow syncs with that

With over 50 integrations with tools you’re already using, Fellow connects your meetings to the rest of your workflow so everything is always up-to-date.

Is Fellow secure?

How can I get started?

Who can access my recordings and meeting notes?

How does Fellow take my meeting notes?

Who can use Fellow to record and transcribe meetings?

Stop taking meeting notes today!

Leaders in 100+ countries have fewer, better, shorter meetings thanks to Fellow.
Get started today. No credit card required.

Fellow AI meeting notest app screenshot