Everything to Know About Engineering Promotions

Learn about the promotion cadence for engineers and how you can advance your career at a pace that works for you.

By Brier Cook  •   September 19, 2022  •   7 min read

Software engineers need to be constant learners! Whether you’re striving to improve soft skills, technical skills, or leadership abilities, every learning opportunity can bring you closer to your goals! 

At some point, you may want to ascend to the next level of your career. Discussing promotions shouldn’t be taboo. When the time comes to advance, you should know how to give yourself the best chance of success.

Let’s discuss how often software engineers get promoted, common advancements for individuals in the field, and factors that can influence promotions. 

The short answer is that promotion frequency depends on several factors! The timescale can be contingent on the skill level of the employee, but many ambitious software engineers get promoted every two to three years. The good news is that the industry is incredibly young, so there will be many opportunities to advance to senior positions throughout your career. 

Tech is an incredibly fast-paced field. As new technology emerges, software engineers are able to advance more quickly than workers in other professions. Factors like being dedicated to the craft and showcasing natural leadership capabilities can help you climb the ladder faster.

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