Meeting Policy Template

CEOs, HR Executives, and Operations Leaders: Employees at your organization are spending too much time in unproductive meetings.

Lead your company in reducing meeting bloat, combatting fatigue, and hosting more efficient meetings with this Meeting Policy layout.

A customizable template for Operations and Culture Leaders

A clear and structured organization-wide meeting policy is the first step to streamlining meetings and increasing productivity.

Start your own meeting policy with our own customizable template, which comes pre-loaded with best practices and practical guidelines to improve meeting culture.

How to get started with this Meeting Policy Template

1. Download your customizable Meeting Policy Outline.
2. Customize and save the document with your organization’s name and specific meeting policies (e.g. your chosen no-meeting day and required time to prepare for meetings in advance).
3. Share the meeting policy with your organization.

meeting policy template preview

What you’ll get from this Meeting Policy Template:

Guidelines for meeting preparation, participation, and documentation.

Benchmarks and best practices from companies in the top 10% of meeting productivity.

A fast and simple way to implement good meeting habits across the organization.

Reduce meeting bloat, combat fatigue, and host more efficient meetings with this Meeting Policy Template.

This meeting policy was created to set clear expectations around meeting habits and behaviours. Meeting facilitators and attendees must follow the guidelines in this policy to ensure that meetings are an inclusive, collaborative, and effective use of everyone’s time.

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