Weekly Sync Meeting Agenda Template
Get this templateRun your weekly syncs like a pro with this template curated by award-winning SaaS founder coach, Dan Martell.

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What’s inside Marketing Dan Martell’s Weekly Sync Meeting Template:
1 Time to celebrate
Celebrate it all, internal wins, individual wins, customer wins. There’s no win too small.
2 Manage the measurement
Review your north star metrics and the numbers that matter the most to your team.
3 Focus factor
Rate projects based on progress. Are they ‘red’, ‘yellow’ or ‘green’? Is everything moving according to schedule? If not, what’s at fault? What do they need to get it done?
4The obstacle is the way
Talk about recent issues and challenges in your business.
5 Give it a score
Ask everyone present to rate the meeting by giving it a score from 1 to 10.