Blog Project Kick-Off Meeting Template
Get this templateLay the foundation for a successful blog launch by brainstorming all blog elements with the marketing team.

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What’s inside this Blog Project Kick-Off Meeting Template:
1🤔 Purpose
Discuss why we are creating a company blog. What is the intended purpose of this blog?
2🚀 Goals
Discuss what we want to achieve with this blog. What are some targets we want to hit?
3👤 Target audience
Who is our target audience, and who are we trying to reach with this content?
4🎭 Theme
Brainstorm blog names and themes.
5✍️ Content
Discuss what our blog will cover. What will the first posts be about?
6📈 Optimization
Discuss how to optimize the blog for SEO. Consider:
- Keyword search for content
- Internal links
7✅ Next steps
What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?