1-on-1 Customer Success Meeting Template
Get this templateA template to discuss wins, priorities, and feedback with members of the Customer Success team.

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What’s inside this 1-on-1 Customer Success Meeting Template:
1 👋 What’s top of mind?
Discuss some top-of-mind topics.
2 🏆 Wins
Discuss some wins since the last time we met. No win is too small!
3 📌 Priorities
Discuss top priorities from now until the next time we meet.
4 ⛔️ Blockers
Discuss challenges, roadblocks or concerns and ways we can work them out.
5 💡Learning
Provide coaching for those tickets that could have gone better.
- 2 tickets you’re proud of
- 2 tickets you’d like coaching on
6 📣 Feedback
Is there anything we can do to improve work, meetings or the team? Is anything working really well?
7 ✅ Action items
What came out of this meeting? What are our next steps?