Developer Weekly Team Meeting Template

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Give your team an overview of the project and allow your team to take ownership using this Engineering Project Kick-Off Meeting Template!

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Tue, Aug 4
4 Aug
10:30 - 11 AM
Developer Weekly Team Meeting
10:30 - 11 AM
1 - 2 PM
4 Aug
9:30 - 11 AM
2 - 3 PM
Developer Weekly Team Meeting
Today @ 10:30 - 11 AM
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Developer Weekly Team Meeting Template
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Developer Weekly Team Meeting Template Overview

Regardless of the company department, a weekly team meeting is essential to ensure smooth processes. Team meetings are meant to gain insight and clarity and determine solutions. Developer meetings should address the timeline of your current schedule but also give your team the time to discuss what they need to succeed. 

The weekly developer meeting should take place once every week at the time that works the best for your team. If you keep a tight daily schedule, you should consider holding your meetings on a Monday. Hence, everyone is on the same page regarding their tasks for the upcoming week. 

Your entire development team must attend, whether in person or virtual. Email a meeting agenda in advance so employees know what to expect and what they’d like to address. Most development departments run on a relatively strict timeline. It can be frustrating for the team when they don’t have access to their needed tools. 

The weekly check-in is crucial to ensuring that your developers are prepared to tackle the current projects on the table. As much as it’s about getting on the same page, it’s about showing support

How to Run an Effective Developer Weekly Team Meeting

Running an effective team meeting is all about organization, preparation, and leaving the time to listen. Of course, you must discuss the projects that are currently on the table, but you also have to let the team talk about where they stand on specific tasks and why.

The development department requires a ton of backing, primarily from a technological point of view. Weekly meetings will allow you to gain a better idea of individual performances. These meetings should not waste time but increase productivity by helping all team members prioritize their workloads. A weekly team update template can help you.

Meetings are an opportunity to push information and pull information from your team. To clarify, the information you want to push could be company news and fundamental changes. In contrast, the information you want to pull is primarily team feedback. 

Access to a well-executed software development meeting agenda template can make or break your weekly development meetings. Organizing your thoughts is essential to discussions going well, with everyone on all sides getting the most out of spending their time focused on where they stand and what needs to get done. 

What’s inside this Developer Weekly Team Meeting Template:

These template sections are fantastic for organizing thoughts before development team meetings.

1👆 Updates

What team updates should we share?

Begin by updating your team on the current situation and leave room for them to update you regarding development stages and where the final products stand. This section is an excellent place to ensure alignment and that management and team members remain on the same page. You can also exchange feedback about all projects and ideas, encouraging discussion and strengthening relationships.

2↪️ Upcoming Deploy

Discussion on the next deploy.

After you talk about updates, it’s the perfect time to discuss upcoming deployments or which projects are ready to switch development environments. Everyone should be included in this chat, even if they aren’t involved directly with the deployment. To perform jobs correctly in the development department, everyone must know where the project stands overall.

3🤳 Demos

Any new features that should be demonstrated?

Leave this time to discuss which projects are ready to demo and progress in that direction. You’ll also want to chat about the projects currently in the demonstration phase and how they’re performing. Demos are an essential component of development, as they let teams know the direction the finished product could take. Leave ample time for discussion in this section. Prepare for this by keeping an active list of demos and their current stages.

4🚧 Roadblocks

What roadblocks is the team facing?

Where is your development team experiencing the most roadblocks? What is keeping them from moving forward, and on which projects? This section is the time to ensure that the roadblocks your team faces aren’t the same one’s week after week. Because meetings should encourage collaboration to solve problems, if you see the same issues repeatedly regarding roadblocks, you’ll know something isn’t working correctly, and you can address it from there. The roadblocks section is imperative to keeping your timeline intact.

5💡 Learnings

What new knowledge have you uncovered this week?

There are so many chances to discuss openly in this section that you’ll want to make sure you leave quite a bit of allotted time. The learnings section of your development meeting should include the takeaways from the current session, as well as employee input regarding what they’ve learned from the last meeting, and how they’re applying those learnings.  

You can discuss anything here, from varying developmental approaches to what your team regularly does to make things work. There are so many components to the development process but applying what we’ve taken away from team member input and weekly meetings can make a huge difference in output and deployment overall. 

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  • John Gleeson
    John Gleeson
    VP of Customer Success, Motive

    “I've never seen an app spread so quickly. Within a few weeks, there were hundreds of people using Fellow to follow up on the action items that inevitably come out of every meeting. It's been a game-changer for our team.”

  • Sabrina Leblanc
    Sabrina Leblanc
    Director of Sales, SurveyMonkey

    “Fellow has increased my productivity and has resulted in more collaborative 1:1s & team meetings. My team loves capturing their own agenda items. Getting prompted to add talking points is super handy when jumping from one meeting to the next.”

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    Liam Martin
    Co-founder, Time Doctor

    “Fellow has completely changed the way we manage meetings at Time Doctor. With 100+ people in 32 different countries, Fellow was one of the tools that took our remote meetings from confusion to clarity.

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