Meeting Audit Agenda Template
Get this templateConducting a meeting audit will give you a new perspective on what meetings need to change and where improvements can be made.

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What’s inside this Meeting Audit Agenda Template:
1🕒 Recurring meetings
Create a list of all recurring meetings everyone attends on a regular basis.
2⏰ Meeting length
Determine the length of each meeting to see how much time everyone is spending in meetings.
3❤️ Purpose
List the purpose of each meeting. If you cannot explain the purpose of a meeting, it may be time to consider why it’s taking place at all.
4📝 Agenda
Analyze the agenda of each meeting, including the slide decks attached, meeting roles specified, etc.
5💡 Potential changes
Pinpoint where changes and improvements can be made.
5✅ Implement changes
List all final changes as clear action items so the team can move forward with the suggested changes.