Off-Boarding Checklist Template
Get this templateLooking to offboard an employee? Use this Off-Boarding Checklist Template to smoothly transition a current employee out of the organization.

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What’s inside this Off-Boarding Checklist Template:
1Company communication
Ensure that the following parties are notified of exit.
- Notify the employee’s manager
- Notify the Human Resources department to initiate the process
- Notify Finance and IT to off-board payroll and equipment
Provide the employee with the documents below before exiting.
- Employee termination form
- Other applicable documents
Prepare for the transition by completing the steps below:
- Fill the new role (whether new or existing employee)
- Setting up a transfer of knowledge
- Make necessary department changes as a result of this departure
- Have the departing employee prepare materials for the next employee
- Book training sessions
4Exit interview
Schedule an exit interview to have the employee share insights.
- Prepare and schedule an exit interview
- Gather all answers and data from the interview and share insights with relevant teams
5Company property
Ensure the following items are returned before the employees last day/
- Laptop
- Accessories
- Cell Phone
- Cards
- Keys