UX Interface Research Interview Agenda
Get this templateConducting user interviews are a great way to connect with your users and gain an in-depth understanding of the users' values, perceptions, and experiences.

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What’s inside this UX Interface Research Interview Agenda:
Introduce yourself and share information for this project.
2User expectations and impressions
Present the product to the user and use these questions to determine the user’s impressions of the product.
- What are you thinking as you look at this?
- What is your (first) impression of this product/feature?
- What do you think this product/feature does or will do?
- Where do you start?
- When and where do you think someone would use this product/feature?
- Why would you use / not use this product?
- Is this product is similar to another one?
3User feedback
Use these questions to uncover where the product can improve.
- Was this design made for you? Why?
- What did you like the most about the design?
- What did you like the least about the design?
- If you could change one thing about the design, what would it be?
- Would you download/use this product if the change(s) were made?
- Would you recommend this to a family member or friend?
4Action items
What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?