Weekly Customer Success Team Meeting Template
Get this templateFacilitate conversations about customer issues, the health of current accounts, and current priorities for the Customer Success team.

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Customer Success Team Meeting Overview
“You want to be extra rigorous about making the best possible thing you can. Find everything that’s wrong with it and fix it” – Elon Musk
If your business doesn’t make your consumer base happy, you might as well throw in the towel now. Other than the work-life balance of your employees, nothing matters more than your customers. They keep you in business, and your company must have a high customer success rate to remain relevant in the (not so) long run.
A solid customer success team is a business essential. You cannot effectively operate without one. You should hold customer success team meetings weekly, giving your team plenty of time to provide you with the analysis and information required to make customer-centric changes.
Management, and your entire customer service and success team, should be in attendance at every meeting. It would also help to have analytics and marketing members provide additional input.
Customer success meetings are essential because customer expectations are increasing over time. Competition is high in most industries, and consumers know that they can likely get the products and services you sell elsewhere if you fail to accommodate them.
Customer success does not mean sacrificing your values or the health of your business to make your demographic happy. Instead, it focuses on what actions your business can take to make your desired demographic stick with you. There are hundreds of ways to keep your consumer base happy, from overnight shipping options to discount codes.
A customer success meeting should revolve around your current methods of enhancing the customer journey and what you can improve. A customer success meeting agenda template can help you organize your thoughts and ideas.
How to Run an Effective Customer Success Team Meeting
“The key is to set realistic customer expectations, and then not to just meet them, but to exceed them, preferably in unexpected and helpful ways” – Richard Branson
The keys to any successful meeting are actively listening and preparation. Nobody knows what your customer base wants more than the people that work with them every day, so give your customer success team time to talk. They’ll bring up company issues that require a change to keep customers coming back.
It’s imperative to listen to them, especially when you ask them questions. They’ll gladly let you know about recurring customer problems because they have to deal with them daily and, naturally, want them fixed. There are no secrets between management and customer success teams!
Prepare yourself for your weekly meeting by jotting down any questions you want to ask and reviewing the notes taken from the week prior. Is there anything that you think needs re-addressing? If so, keep a careful and well-documented record of why taking care to make sure it hasn’t already been taken care of. The following customer success meeting template will keep you on the right track week after week.
What’s inside Weekly Customer Success Team Meeting Template:
1 💬 Agenda
Kick off the meeting by going over the schedule for the day. Let attendees know how long you’ll speak and when they’ll have the opportunity to do the same. Please give them a quick rundown of what needs discussing, as they’ll appreciate it!
Updates and other points for discussion.
2🎯 Progress towards goals
This section is where you’ll want some analytics input if that information is separate from your customer success team. Some companies combine them, and some don’t. Ask for detailed answers regarding your current progress toward customer satisfaction goals. Where do you currently stand, and what can you do differently?
Let’s quickly discuss our team’s progress towards our quarterly goals.
3 🚧 Blockers
Ask your team what keeps you from your customer success goals, if anything. Ask them what they might recommend changing, and provide them with some ideas of your own. Every company has at least one thing blocking them from complete customer success, whether slow shipping or out-of-stock items. We can fix some of these things right away, while others require patience, solid customer outreach, and a strategy to provide updates.
Add any blockers you are currently experiencing that you think the team can help you with.
4 🔄 Recurring customer problems
All businesses face this at one time or another, but if the same problems keep arising, that signals a somewhat serious problem within your company, particularly your customer success team. Either they’re dropping the ball somewhere along the way, or you aren’t giving them the tools and information they need to succeed. Figuring out wherein the issue lies is crucial to the relationship between you, your customer success team, and your customers. Use this time to address the recurring problems thoroughly, brainstorming options for relief.
Recurring trends to keep an eye on. i.e Billing issues, calendar, sync, etc.
5 🏥 Health of current accounts
Speaking of healthy relationships, this is where you’ll want to discuss the health of your current customer accounts. Are they active, or have they been entirely inactive for months? What can you do to help them become active again? Consider coming up with some outreach ideas in this section, bounce ideas off of one another, and allow your customer success team to tell you what they think will work and vice versa.
Discuss the health of those customer accounts that may need extra attention.
6 📌 Current projects/initiatives
Wrap up the meeting by talking about current projects and initiatives that your customer success team has underway. Talk about the progress and what you hope to achieve upon completion. Discuss direction, and try to remain open to changes. Leave time to answer questions or listen to concerns before adjourning.
Each CS Rep will discuss their current projects and initiatives for team visibility.
- CS Rep 1
- CS Rep 2
- CS Rep 3