Culture and Team Dynamics Questions for 1-on-1s Template
Get this templateConducting 1-on-1 check-ins about the company culture and team dynamic with direct reports is important. This meeting template will allow for deep insight into your direct reports' perspectives.

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What’s inside this Culture and Team Dynamics Questions Template:
1💭 Thoughts on the team
Ask your direct report the following questions to check in on their thoughts on culture and team dynamics
- How do you find yourself working with your team?
- Do you think we’re headed in the right direction as a team?
- How do you find working with [name]?
- Have you helped other members of the team recently?
- Do you feel comfortable giving constructive feedback to your peers?
- What are your thoughts on the way we all communicate about the work we are doing?
- What is a difficult but useful conversation that you think could be had in our team that we are not having?
2🏢 Thoughts on the company
Ask your direct report the following questions to check in on their thoughts on culture and team dynamics
- Is there someone in the company or out of the company that you would like to see join our team?
- Who works really well together on the team?
- How have you been getting along with other teams within our department?
- How about when you’ve had to deal with other parts of the company?
- What do you think about the relationship between our team and other teams at the company?
3💪 Improvements
Ask your direct report the following questions to see where the team and company can improve
- Is there anything we can do to improve team dynamics?
- Are there any aspects of our team culture you wish you could change?
- What is a team-building activity that we could do?
- Do you think our team activities are inclusive? How can we make them more inclusive?
- Do you think we all work well together? What can we do to make us more synergistic?
4✅ Action items
What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?