Law Firm Merger Planning Meeting Template
Get this templateWhen merging two law firms, host a working session with senior leaders to walk through important aspects of the business to finalize the upcoming merger.

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What’s inside this Law Firm Merger Planning Meeting Template:
Review the scope and the goal of the meeting.
2Merger steering team
Define and assign the merger steering team.
- Members
- Scope
3Business development and cross-selling
Define and assign the business development and cross-selling team.
- Members
- Scope
4Practice Delivery
Define and assign the management of practice delivery.
- Members
- Scope
5Accounting and finance
Define and assign the management accounting and finance.
- Members
- Scope
6New business intake and conflicts
Define and assign who is in charge of new business.
- Members
- Scope
7HR, benefits, recruiting and training
Define and assign the HR aspects of the business.
- Members
- Scope
9Information technology
Define and assign how information technology will be managed.
- Members
- Scope
10Marketing and brand
Define and assign how marketing will be managed.
- Members
- Scope
11Action items
What are the next steps? What came out of this meeting?