Marketing Agency Stand-Up Meeting Template
Get this templateNeed a template for weekly stand-up meetings at a marketing agency? Use this meeting template for a throughout check-in on how the organization is doing 💪 .

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Marketing agency stand-up meeting overview
1What is a marketing agency stand-up meeting?
Marketing agency stand-up meetings are daily meetings that occur amongst the marketing team. These meetings are held in an attempt to garner quick, impactful updates from the entire marketing team. While these meetings are important, they should not last longer than 15 minutes. Hosting marketing agency stand-up meetings daily and implementing a regular cadence will not only create a sense of consistency, but will also ensure your teammates have their updates, questions, and concerns ready for the stand-up meeting.
2What is the purpose of a marketing agency stand-up meeting?
Daily marketing agency stand-up meetings make it possible for project managers or team leads to learn about their team members’ progress, what each individual will be working on during the day, as well as any blockers or hurdles that may be preventing them from moving forward. It’s important that all team members take the time to clarify their intentions during these meetings so everyone in attendance is aligned and ready to hit the ground running when the meeting ends.
3Why is a marketing agency stand-up meeting important?
While these meetings are an excellent opportunity for leaders to gain additional insights into their team’s progress, they also offer an opportunity for team members to get updates from their teammates or additional insights that may contribute to their respective tasks. Your entire team should feel comfortable sharing developments and surfacing blockers. When hosting marketing agency stand-up meetings, your main objective should be to empower your teammates and foster accountability.
Benefits of marketing agency stand-up meetings include, but aren’t limited to:
· Reducing roadblocks
· Increasing transparency
· Heightening accountability
· Encouraging team building
· Increasing team productivity
· Expanding project knowledge
· Enhancing collaboration and trust
· Allowing for fewer distractions and clear direction
· Strengthening teams’ concept of common goals
How to use the marketing agency stand-up meeting template
The key to any great meeting is preparing beforehand. If you don’t take the time to prepare before your meeting, you run the risk of running over time or hosting an ineffective meeting. Preparing beforehand will not only ensure you’re prepared as the host, but it will also ensure all attendees are prepared and know exactly what to expect.
Part of preparing for the meeting beforehand involves sourcing a stellar meeting agenda template that can be customized to accommodate your needs. Our meeting templates make it possible for you to collaborate in real time with your teammates. Simply select a prebuilt template with recommended talking points, customize it to suit your needs, and bring it to life in real time with your marketing team. Fellow makes it possible for you to drive productivity before, during, and after every meeting. While preparation is imperative, it’s also important to be diligent after the meeting. With Fellow, you can assign action items directly in your collaborative meeting agenda so you can end every meeting knowing exactly who is responsible for what task, making it possible for you to assign, organize, and prioritize all your meeting action items in one place.
What’s inside this marketing agency stand-up meeting template
If you’re looking to up your meeting game, leveraging our marketing agency stand-up meeting template is a must. Whether you’re hosting daily or weekly marketing agency stand-up meetings, this template will enable you to conduct a thorough check-in of your team’s progress and well-being when you meet.
Wondering what’s inside the marketing agency stand-up meeting template? To help you run the most efficient meetings possible, our team has put together a comprehensive meeting agenda template that is composed of four main sections: account manager updates, workload distribution, roadblocks, and client onboarding.
1💡 Account manager updates
Any updates within your accounts?
Account managers are responsible for ensuring the marketing agency is meeting client needs and for simultaneously ensuring the team is working towards completing campaign- or project-specific goals. Account managers are constantly solving problems, putting out fires, managing internal and external communications, and driving projects to completion. Because they take on so much responsibility, it’s important that you, as their manager or team lead, take the time to check in and make sure they have what they need to succeed.
In this section of the template, you can take the time to check in with your account managers to make sure they have what they need to succeed. It’s also important to use this time to open up the floor to your account managers so they can provide updates on their progress and educate the team about any updates on their respective accounts.
2 ⚖️ Workload distribution
How’s everyone’s workload?
In today’s day and age, it’s normal to get overwhelmed or even experience burnout. Checking in with your teammates and making sure they’re comfortable with their workload is imperative. Taking the time to check in will demonstrate your willingness to create a happy, healthy work environment.
3🚧 Roadblocks
What roadblocks have you run into? How can we help?
Checking in with your teammates to see if they’ve encountered any roadblocks is extremely important. When your teammates are providing their updates, prompt them to share their blockers. Making this a customary practice in your marketing agency stand-up meetings will ensure your teammates feel comfortable speaking up and voicing any concerns or roadblocks they’re facing.
4👤 Client onboarding
Any updates or roadblocks on client onboardings?
Client onboarding is a crucial part of every organization. While this process may mostly fall on your account managers, there may also be other teammates who are responsible for elements of the onboarding process. Carving out time to identify whether or not your teammates are facing any roadblocks in regard to client onboarding will ensure the onboarding process runs smoothly from start to finish.