Remote Scrum Team Agreement Template
Get this templateSet your remote Scrum team up for success by developing a clear remote team agreement. Use this template to set clear expectations to help your team avoid stress and enhance productivity.

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What’s inside this Remote Scrum Team Agreement Template:
1⭐️ Purpose
Outline the purpose of the meeting and why you are creating a Remote Scrum Team Agreement.
List the communication/work tools the team will be using.
3✅ Status beacons
Discuss status beacons with the team. What does each beacon mean?. This way the team will know when you’re available just by checking Slack.
4😎Team golden hours
Have each team member list their best hours of the day for productive work.
5🗓Schedule of Scrum events
Outline what Scrum events will take place on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
6🤝Meeting etiquette
Present meeting etiquette that the facilitator can invoke at the start of each meeting.
7👥 Team member contact
Discuss the best ways to communicate as a team virtually.
8☕️ Informal contact
Decide on any protocols for informal contact with colleagues such as coffee chats, remote lunches.
9💬 Stakeholder contact
List the stakeholders. What is the best way to communicate with them?
10☎️ Dependency contact
Identify the person/people who the team should contact when in need of assistance.
11✅ Next steps
What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?