Start Stop Continue Retrospective Meeting Template
Get this templateHelp your team focus on concrete actions they can take to improve collaboration, processes and results. Curated by Anna Iurchenko, UX Designer at Google Health.

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What’s inside this Start Stop Continue Retrospective Template:
1 🚀 Start
Allow everyone to jot down what they believe the team should begin doing.
2 💬 Themes
Group the talking points above into themes.
3 🛑 Stop
What were some activities that didn’t bring value to the project? What should we stop doing?
4💬 Themes
Group the talking points above into themes.
5👍 Continue
What are some practices, processes, or activities that worked well and we should continue?
6💬 Themes
Group the talking points above into themes.
7✅ Action items
What action items came out of this meeting? Assign a person to be in charge of each next step.