Community of Practice Kick-Off Meeting Template
Get this templateA CoP Meeting is used to discuss shared interests and achieve a goal together. Examples of CoP are lunch and learns or committees.

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What’s inside this Community of Practice Kick-Off Meeting Template:
1⭐️ CoP Mission
Create a mission and vision for this Community of Practice. Come up with values for the group to get everyone on the same page.
2👩 Roles and Responsibilities
Discuss who will lead the Community of Practice meetings and other necessary roles.
3💭 Purpose
Discuss our shared interest and purpose for creating this community.
4🎯 Goals and objectives
What are we looking to gain from this Community of Practice? Mutual support, learning, knowledge, networking, etc.
5⏭ Next CoP
What is the plan for the next CoP? What should each member prepare in advance?