Incoming Client Interview [Legal Clinic] Template
Get this templateWhile interviewing skills are critical to a lawyer’s success, few are ever trained how to do it. A good interview can result in candor, trust, credibility.

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What’s inside this Incoming Client Interview [Legal Clinic] Template:
The objective of this meeting is to establish a relationship of trust with the client, to gather the information necessary to counsel her and to understand her priorities and circumstances.
1 Greetings
Ice breaker and round of introductions.
2 Preliminary Questions
Review preliminary questions prior to starting the meeting
- Confirm identity (name, address, phone number)
- Confirm payment of legal fees
- Confirm there is not conflict of interest
3 Mandate of the meeting
Confirm the mandate of the meeting.
- Confirm if the client is currently working with a lawyer or has worked with a lawyer in the past.
4 Administrative details
Share all administrative details prior to beginning the question period.
- Explain any relevant preliminary rights entering this meeting.
- Explain confidentiality and professional secrecy.
- Any questions on the process of this meeting?
5 Question Period
Summarize the reason for their visit — understanding the issue at hand through a series of questions.
- What happened?
- Have you had any conflicts in the past with this person?
- What would the counter part say on your behalf?
- What additional details are missing?
6 Documentation
Gather all relevant documents that are pertinent for this case.
7 Outcomes
What does the client want? What is their ideal outcome of this situation? Do they have the financial capacities to hire a lawyer in case?
8 Closing
Wrap up of the meeting
- Summary of the meeting
- Summary of next steps
- What is the best way to communicate?
- Any final questions?