Client Onboarding Marketing Agency Meeting Template
Get this templateAre you an account manager or agency owner? Use this meeting template to introduce your client to their new campaign manager.

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What’s inside this Client Onboarding Marketing Agency Meeting Template:
1💡 Client information
Share insights on who is the client and why you are working together.
2👉 Current strategy
Ask your client about the campaigns and tactics they’re currently using.
3⬅️ Past strategies
What are some strategies they’ve used in the past? What lessons can they share with you?
4🎯 Goals and objectives
What is the main goal of this client <> agency partnership? How are we going to measure the key results?
5🗓 Timeline
What projects does the client have in mind, and what will be the ideal timeline to execute them?
6📌 Web assets
What accounts, tools, or assets do we (or the clients) need access to?
7💬 Other
Any other questions or items to discuss?
8✅ Action items
What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?