Polly’s Offsite Wrap-up Meeting Template
Get this templateDocument key feedback and learning from your company’s in-person off-site. This simple agenda template for primarily remote teams helps drive conversations and encourages feedback.

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What’s inside this Polly’s Offsite Wrap-up Meeting Template:
1👋 Welcome
Round table of welcomes to see what everyone is excited about after the time spent with the team.
2🤔 Learnings
List all inputs, such as materials, energy, information, customer requirement, customer feedback, and financial and other resources needed to execute the process.
3❤️ Shout-outs
Encourage shout-outs that highlight the team members who participated in the off-site.
4🗣️ Feedback
Get feedback from your team on what they would (or would not!) like to see or do next time.