Sales Weekly Kickoff Meeting Template
Get this templateMotivate your sales team with this short and effective kickoff meeting by discussing wins, priorities and metrics.

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What is a Sales Kickoff Meeting?
A sales kickoff meeting is an opportunity to bring the entire sales team together to share best practices, product updates, new sales strategies, and set priorities for reaching sales goals.
Joe Fleming (Director of Sales at Fellow) hosts sales kickoff meetings each Monday morning to review the previous week’s wins, and set priorities and direction for the week ahead to ensure alignment across the sales team – posing the question “what do we need to complete this week to be successful?”.
Priorities are added to each week’s sales kickoff meeting agenda by Fellow’s sales reps, which helps the team establish a regular habit of setting weekly sales targets that align with the overarching sales goals.
Meeting frequency: weekly
Joe explains that Fellow’s sales kickoff meetings happen at a weekly cadence to keep track of and prioritize the many competing tasks that Sales Reps juggle, and set the common focus and trajectory needed to meet sales targets.
Who attends Sales Kickoff Meetings?
These sales kickoff meetings usually last one hour and are generally attended by the same team members each week, including the sales reps and Joe, the sales director.
To help your sales team adopt weekly sales kickoff meetings we’re sharing Joe’s meeting agenda template.
What’s inside this Sales Kickoff Meeting Template
1 💬 Talking Points
The first part of each sales kickoff meeting is spent on talking points. Because these meetings are held on Monday mornings at Fellow, the talking points portion of the meeting usually involves a roundtable check-in to see how everyone is doing personally, and serves as an opportunity for team bonding and socialization before jumping into the business.
Sales team meetings are better in Fellow
Fellow is the meeting management app that companies like Shopify, Uber, and KeepTruckin use to run effective remote team meetings.
2 🏆 Wins From Last Week
The next five minutes of the meeting are spent sharing and celebrating any wins from the previous week. The wins captured in this section are added to the agenda ahead of the next sales kickoff meeting by Joe and the sales reps and can include anything they accomplished or are proud of from the week prior.
Joe explains that sharing and celebrating wins help to set the week, and the meeting, off on a positive note.
3 🎯 Priorities for the Week
The sales team then spends 15 minutes of the sales kickoff meeting setting and reviewing priorities for the week ahead. This section of the agenda includes a subheader for each sales rep where they include their own upcoming priorities. Priorities are added to the agenda on Fridays in preparation for the upcoming Monday morning sales kickoff meeting.
4📊 Metrics From Last Week
The remaining 20 minutes of each sales kickoff meeting is spent reviewing the previous week’s sales metrics. During this time the team is focused on finding any abnormalities in the data, and discussing their occurrences. Joe adds the metrics to the meeting agenda ahead of time to ensure the sales reps have time to review the data and come prepared to the sales kickoff meeting with any questions.
In addition to metrics, Joe also adds the previous week’s leaderboard to the agenda before each sales kickoff meeting. The leaderboard tracks each sales reps’ accomplishments from the week, and the leader is spotlighted during the Wins From Last Week portion of the meeting.
The weekly sales kickoff meeting agenda has evolved over time in length, cadence and agenda items based on feedback from sales reps and proven best practices. Joe’s weekly sales kickoff meeting agenda is designed to help align your sales team’s focus and get them excited to take on the week ahead!