Virtual Sales Meeting Template
Get this templateSales leaders identified that virtual meetings are more profitable than in-person meetings. Host an effective virtual sales meeting with this template.

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What’s inside this Virtual Sales Meeting Template:
1💬 Interesting insights & ice breakers
Allow for lots of interaction and reconnection at the top of the meeting. Share interesting insights or topics.
2🚀 Purpose of the meeting
Briefly describe the purpose of the meeting and what you plan to discuss with the prospect.
- Ex. We will be meeting to share some ideas that can improve your business by increasing profitability and bringing you more clients📈.
3🎙 Storytelling
Use these prompts to create a compelling product or service story and walk the prospect through the journey since you might not be able to use the same presentation deck or demo in a virtual meeting,
- Setting
- Characters
- Conflict
- Resolution
4🖼 Visuals
Present the visual content that you have prepared that addresses the purpose of the meeting. Link the visual content here to make it easy to access.
5📣 Opportunities for engagement
List opportunities to transform your one-sided sales call into an interactive experience for your prospect. These could include polls, questions to ask, etc.
6🤔 Questions and objections
List any questions and objections that the prospect might have.
7👋 Closing
Review and summarize everything that was discussed to ensure everyone is on the same page.
8✅ Next Steps
Outline the next steps for the prospect.
- Ex. Package meeting content and send it over 🛩