Engaging 1-on-1 Meeting Agenda
Get this templateThe key to a great conversation is great questions. Try this template for a series of engaging questions to guide your next 1-on-1 with your direct report.

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What’s inside this Engaging 1-on-1 Meeting Agenda:
1❓Core Questions
Ask these questions to ensure that the most important things get discussed during each meeting.
- What is the most important thing we need to discuss today?
- What are your most significant accomplishments since we last met?
- What are the most important things you will focus on before we meet next?
- What obstacles are you encountering right now?
- What can I do better or differently as your manager to support you?
2📣Feedback questions
Ask these questions to help you gather feedback from your employees.
- How could I do a better job communicating with you?
- What kind of communication or information do you wish you had more of?
- What opportunities have you had recently to learn something new?
- What should I start/stop doing?
3⭐️Career development questions
Ask these questions to help you discover what are your employee’s career development goals and how they are progressing towards them.
- What do you see as the next step in your career?
- What goals have you set for your career?
- How do you feel you are progressing in your career?
4✅Action items
What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?