Web Developers Interview Template
Get this templateWeb developers are a key hire to showcase your product and drive traffic. These interview questions will help you assess a candidate’s hard and soft skills!

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What’s inside this Web Developers Interview Template:
1👋 Introduction
Give the candidate an opportunity to introduce themselves to you and potentially other interviewers.
- Tell me about yourself?
2🖥 Previous experiences
Learn a little bit more about the candidate’s previous experience with the questions below.
- Tell me about a time when you got stuck while coding. How did you work your way through the problem?
- Tell me about your favourite development project to date. What was it like from start to finish? What about this project stood out for you?
- Describe a time when you’ve dealt with negative feedback.
3🌐 Industry awareness
Does the candidate keep up to date with trends?
- Name a website you like. What is appealing about it?
- How do you keep up with the latest coding developments and programs?
4💪 Soft skills
Ask the candidate about what soft skills they possess.
- What’s the most important soft skill for a web developer?
5🤝Teamwork and communication
Ask the candidate questions about teamwork and styles of communication.
- Do you like working as part of a team while you’re coding? What do you think contributes to a successful team?
- Explain JavaScript to me in a way that even an inexperienced techie could understand.
Give the candidate an opportunity to ask any questions.
7✅ Next steps
Communicate with the candidate what the next steps are?