Performance Review Meeting Template
Get this templatePerformance reviews give employees important feedback. They provide the opportunity for recognition or a job well-done and highlight areas that may need more attention.

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What’s inside Performance Review Meeting Template:
1 Accomplishments
Discuss how things are going since our last performance review.
2 Impact
Discuss your impact on the company this year.
3 Goals
List some goals for the year to come.
4 Review prior goals
If goals were set the previous year, make sure to review them!
5 Feedback
Provide feedback for areas of improvement.
6 Growth
Discuss your growth this year and anything that helped you grow professionally.
7 Non-Work Related Contributions
Community events, meet-ups, and/or impactful contributions you were a part of this year.
8 Action items
What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?