User Feedback Session Template
Get this templateUser feedback sessions are essential to guide and inform your decision-making and influence innovations when you make changes to your product or service.

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What’s inside this User Feedback Session Template:
1👋 Introduction
Introduce yourself and share some information about this project.
2💬 Feedback
Gather overall feedback and determine a user’s impressions of a product.
- How would you go about performing [task]?
- What do you expect to happen if you did this [task]?
- What alternative method would you use to perform [task]?
- Was there anything surprising or did not perform as expected?
- Was the interface easy to understand?
- What was the easiest/ hardest task to accomplish?
3✅ Action items
What came out of this meeting? What are our next steps?
4📝 Notepad
Anything else to write down?