Phone Screen Interview Meeting Template
Get this templateUse this template to get a deeper understanding of your candidate in order to see whether or not they suitable for the hiring position.

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What’s inside Phone Screen Interview Meeting Template:
1🙂 The Basics
Keep it simple and start with phone interview questions that verify the information.
- Can you describe your background?
- Why are you looking for a new job?
- Where are you in your job search process?
- When could you start working?
2💰Salary expectations
This is an important question to ask early because it sheds light on the candidate’s expectations and whether they are making more than what you expect to offer
- What is your salary at your current job?
- How much would you like to earn in this position?
- Are there specific benefits that are important to you?
- Would it be a deal breaker for you if we don’t offer _____ benefit?
3💪 Desire for the job
Evaluate their work style and interest in this job, along with their motivation for leaving their last one.
- What reasons do you have for leaving your most recent job?
- What attracted you to apply for this position?
- Describe your current job responsibilities.
- What motivates you in a job?
- Do you have specific questions about this role?
4💭 Knowledge of the company
These give you a clue about whether the interviewee took the time to do some company research.
- What attracted you to our organization?
- What do you know about our products or services?
- Do you use our products or services?
- What size firms have you worked in (small, medium, large), and do you have a preference?
5 🚩 Issues with the resume
Be sure to raise any concerns or red flags that came up when you read the job candidate’s resume and cover letter.
- What skills have you recently gained or strengthened?
- How are your skills a match for this job?
- What did you do during the yearlong gap in your employment? (If they have an employment gap.)
- Did your internship at _____ give you specific experience to apply to this job? (If they’re a recent college graduate.)